i dislike repetition but… 意味

  • 繰り返して言いたくはないが…


        dislike:     1dislike n. 嫌悪, 反感, いや気. 【動詞+】 betray one's dislike for… …への嫌悪を思わず表わす strive to conceal a dislike for one's superior 上司への嫌悪を隠そうと努める conceive a dislike for… …を嫌うようになる create
        dislike (of):    dislike (of) 苦手 にがて
        to dislike:    to dislike 嫌がる いやがる 厭う いとう 否む いやむ 嫌う きらう
        by repetition:    何度{なんど}も繰り返して、復唱{ふくしょう}して
        repetition:     repetition n. 繰り返し, 反復, 重複. 【動詞+】 avoid an awkward repetition of the oversight その見落としをぶざまに繰り返すことを避ける It is too well known to bear repetition here. それはあまりにもよく知られているのでここで繰り返すのははばかられる
        ardent dislike:    激しい嫌悪{けんお}
        bare dislike:    あからさまな反感{はんかん}
        conceive a dislike for:    ~を嫌うようになる
        cordial dislike for:    ~をひどく嫌うこと
        deeply dislike:    ~をひどく嫌う
        develop a dislike for:    ~への嫌悪{けんお}[反感{はんかん}]を覚える、~が嫌いになる
        dislike against:    ~への反感
        dislike for risk:    リスクを嫌う
        dislike for work:    仕事{しごと}に対する嫌悪{けんお}
        dislike of people:    dislike of people 人嫌い ひとぎらい


  1. "i discovered, to my surprise, that quite a few others were like-minded concerning the matter"の英語
  2. "i discussed frankly with him our need for better communication between offices"の英語
  3. "i disengaged my hand from his strong grip and said, “excuse me. in my country the custom is to bow."の英語
  4. "i dislike her haughty attitude"の英語
  5. "i dislike parties"の英語
  6. "i dislike the book's general tone"の英語
  7. "i dislike the modern tendency to think that all problems can be solved with money"の英語
  8. "i dislike the physical closeness of elevators"の英語
  9. "i dislike traveling by air"の英語
  10. "i dislike her haughty attitude"の英語
  11. "i dislike parties"の英語
  12. "i dislike the book's general tone"の英語
  13. "i dislike the modern tendency to think that all problems can be solved with money"の英語

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